

7 Businesses of Attaka JAPAN Co.,Ltd.

01 EC Business

We offer a wide variety of items and brands that are not yet available in Japan, including foreign brand products. Moreover, all items are offered at local prices.

Click Here to access Attaka Store Premium

Click Here to access Attaka Store

Click here to access our Original Apparel Brand Site

02 VFC (Virtual Franchise) Business

VFC (Virtual Franchise) currently under patent application. This is a new-age franchise system that does not charge any fixed costs such as rent, product purchasing, or labor.

What is VFC?

03 Relaxation Business

We have a store in Okinawa as a franchisee of Momikaru, which operates franchises in relaxation.



04 ESG Business

We have signed a business partnership agreement with the only company in the world that has the technology to render biological emissions harmless, and are working to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

05 Crowdfunding Business

We provide support for domestic and international crowdfunding projects.
From site account registration to project launch and subsequent support! We tailor our support to your needs.


06 General Consultation

In this unique profession, we establish win-win relationships by connecting "people with people," "products with products," and "people with products" through innovative thinking and ideas. Please feel free to ask anything!


The term "TERA Bed CAMA" refers to our unique method where you can gain health benefits simply by sleeping on the bed, while also earning income by renting out the bed to others.


Attaka Photo Contest

Starting March 26, 2022, we will hold the 「Attaka Photo Contest」
We are looking for episodes that spread warmth throughout your heart along with your photos.

↓Click here for details.

Attaka Photo Contest」Official Instagram Account
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About Us

Through 「kindness」and 「economy」we provide a new LIFESMILE to all.

Whether it is warmth of heart, economic development, or improvement of the global environment.
At the center of it all are people.
What kind of future do you think awaits us in five or ten years from now?
With the evolution of technology, especially the Internet, we can imagine that society will become more and more convenient.

What is equally or more important than technological development and economic growth?
I believe it is the richness and contentment of the hearts and minds of each and every one of us.

With "kindness" "economy," and "improvement of the global environment" as our pillars We at Attaka JAPAN Co., Ltd. We will do our best to provide you with a new life smile.

President: Sakihara Tomoaki

Corporate Name
Attaka Japan Co.,Ltd
Tomoaki Sakihara 
2-6-1, Toyama, Urasoe Shi, Okinawa Ken, 901-2104, JAPAN
Establishment August 18th 2021
Capital Stock
10,000,000 JPY
E-Commerce Business
VFC (Virtual Franchise) Business
Relaxation Business
ESG Business
Crowdfunding Business
General Consultation Business
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